Keeping it Real

This blog is my note to self about yesterday’s events in town. Sitting in the back seat is Lips behind the driver and Kraft Dinner Ltd sitting next to her, Mini Lips driving and NoBalls in the front passenger’s seat looking at me right in the eyes as they drive in front of the vehicle and motions his finger like a gun, points it at me and bends his finger. Yes, I’ve called the RCMP and he says he had a pack of smokes in his hand. Right on, I was told to stay away from him and he away from me. Now I never made a treat to him or even talked with him, and remember he is the one that called my brother to say the natives were going to come kill me and then he calls my sisters, Yet the RCMP don’t seem to think he is a danger to me. So I said Ok! We live in a very small community, and as my cousins reveal who they are in my blog it makes it more obvious to the public who I’m taking about. Everyone is assuming that because Aunt Mellie drops by, or I go visit that we are up to something crazy, LOL Hey, you all thought I was crazy before she dropped in. I think I’ve been very polite in my blog and most of all honest. They are very conniving people, you know I’ve been to their gym and never smelled any type of gas or oil and all of a sudden no more gym and she can’t breath. LOL When she’s mad at aunt Mellie there is nothing wrong with her lungs or airway. I remember a time that I stressed that she not use so much Fleecy in the laundry she was wearing  because of others around her that couldn’t breath. She’d give away clothes to my mother that belong to someone she cared for and the smell of fabric softner was enough to knock your sinuses into the allergy aisle at any drug store closest to you.  You’d think she’s the first one with breathing problems.  The month of April, I’m sure is the month people should sit back and enjoy their popcorn, that show is the one I hope everyone watches and I pray true justice rises to the top. Again I welcome your comments, good or bad here on the blog. Bashing me on Facebook is taking away my views lol, kidding, but the comments about not liking a like, who the fuck complains about that. Imagine they can’t even except a like and those likes were before I talked about Rubber Duckie. How much did Rubber Ducky say it cost him for the damage he said Noballs did to his car while he was away in Nokie’s yard? Glued the air valves of the tires with crazy glue lol Noballs always called Rubber Ducky a cocksucker and had words, this is how dirty Noballs plays, just like Rambo, just like Mogli, and just like my prick of an ex husband. 

So I hear I flirt to much, took you 30 years to find a man! I hope he loves and respects you, Treats you right, and you both find happiness in your lives. You do deserve that, it’s the reason I did everything I could to help you get that course. Remember every time I’d go in for gas, go back to school, go back to school!! You can do it, I loved encouraging you and no matter how bad you talk about me, I still love you. He was someone else’s boyfriend that night when him and Mogli hopped in my car LOL, he was loving it when I was calling him all them pet names, he was as high as a fucking kite, he likes the white stuff and at the time he had a girlfriend back home, That didn’t stop you from hooking into him LOL Mini Mellie. I’m not sure if your not smart enough to figure out that there are no angels in this family, everyone of our closets has a secret, and the more I’m hurt the more secrets I feel I need to tell. I wish I could take you both with me on my next appointment for mental health. You should both be ashamed when the words I CARE comes out of your mouths. I know my pain is hurting you, but I’m not forcing you to read something with aliases and you unscramble it for the public to know exactly who you are and your reposted that your father is a pedophile. STOP READING MINI MELLIE & MINI LIPS 

Now Mogli is up to his father’s ways again, telling mom and sis how he is going to clean that place out and that sis is now on the same list as me, his dead list. See, myself I feel he should be in jail today for saying that, but you know, I’m never right and as usual, its don’t say nothing yet, so I avoid that place when he is in that mood, because my mind can’t handle being in that situation, over and over again. What is it going to take for them to grow up and get out…

…and this is Nikky’s Corner

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